Bleekselderijsap, hoe maak je het? |  Orthomoleculair Therapeut Rotterdam

Bleekselderijsap | Was de bleekselderijstelen en haal ze door de sapcentrifuge of slow-juicer. Onmiddellijk opdrinken! Elk dag (een bundel) bleekselderij in de juicer (of evt. blender, maar zeef dan het pulp/vezels eruit) juicen. Niets erbij doen, houd het PUUR. Ik doe zelf een theezeefje op het glas waar het sap in komt, zodat er zeker helemaal geen vezels in zitten, drinkt lekkerder ;-). VERS en GELIJK opdrinken bij het opstaan. Na het sap even wachten (minstens 30 min.) met eten en drinken. Start de eerste paar dagen met 250 ml en bouw het in een aantal dagen op naar ± 450 ml. (Indien gewenst, kun je de bleekselderij ook in een blender met (zo min mogelijk) water blenden en gezeefd drinken, wel meer gedoe)

Wat doet het?

Bleekselderijsap herstelt het (lage) maagzuur, het verbetert de spijsvertering. En werkt tegen verkeerde bacteriën (zoals helicobacter pylori en streptococcus), virussen en schimmels in de maag en darmen (de stoffen in bleekselderij scheuren bacteriën en virale membranen (=omhulsel) uit elkaar, waardoor het weggaat). Omdat het werkt tegen verkeerde bacteriën en schimmels kan het de eerste maand tijdelijke detox verschijnselen geven: misselijkheid, moe, kortstondige diarree, (stinkende) winden. Het is een teken dat je lichaam hard aan het werk is om ziekmakende bacteriën/virussen/schimmels te doden en het afval eruit te werken. Het is tijdelijk. Mocht het langer dan een paar dagen aanhouden, dan graag even contact opnemen zodat ik je kan begeleiden.  

Bleekselderijsap tips 

Bleekselderijsap | Bij voorkeur biologisch geteelde bleekselderij gebruiken, in biologisch geteelde groenten en fruit zitten meer antioxidanten, vitaminen en mineralen dan bespoten regulier voedsel (& minder gifstoffen), bovendien is het zachter qua smaak. Als dit niet haalbaar is, dan kun je ook ‘gewoon’ bleekselderij nemen. Of afwisselen. Mocht de smaak van het sap erg tegenstaan kun je een klein stukje gember mee juicen of een appel of een stuk venkel of een stuk komkommer. Door de bleekselderij te mengen met ander voedsel verliest het bleekselderij helaas wel aan (genees) kracht, als je het mengt met andere voedingsmiddelen heeft het weer andere kwaliteiten dan dat je het 100% puur drinkt. Hoe bleker de stelen van de bleekselderij, hoe meer sap eruit komt en deze is ook milder van smaak. Hoewel er tegenwoordig veel soorten sappen zijn die fantastisch zijn voor je gezondheid, moet je het bleekselderijsap puur drinken als je je spijsvertering ermee wilt verbeteren. Als bleekselderijsap te sterk voor je is, kun je komkommersap maken, hetgeen ook een geneeskrachtig sap is. Je drinkt bleekselderijsap zonder de vezels omdat de vezels uit het sap verwijderd moeten worden zodat de nutriënten "op je nuchtere maag" direct opgenomen kunnen worden.


Zoek je een juicer?

Misschien kun je het van iemand lenen of als je er een wilt kopen, er zijn verschillende types. Ik heb zelf een Omega slow-juicer, waar ik blij mee ben. Kijk eens naar deze Omega slow-juicer voor inspiratie of via google of op marktplaats voor een tweedehandse. Maar je kunt bleekselderij ook fast-juicen in een sapcentrifuge, zoals deze van Philips. De PHILIPS HR1832/00 VIVA te koop o.a. bij voor circa €75,-

De laatst voorgestelde is een zogenaamde fast-juicer oftewel sapcentrifuge. Prima voor bleekselderij. Maar wil je er (in de toekomst) meer mee juicen (oa met kruiden zoals peterselie), adviseer ik je een (duurdere) slow-juicer te overwegen.

Schoonmaaktip: spoel de onderdelen direct af na gebruik, borstel het zeefje schoon en leg het te drogen voor de volgende dag. 1 x in de week goed schoonmaken met sop of in de vaatwasser (als dat kan volgens de fabrikant). 

Werking bleekselderijsap

Vers bleekselderijsap is een van de meest krachtige en genezende sappen die je kunt drinken. Als je iedere ochtend een halve liter vers bleekselderijsap op een nuchtere maag drinkt, kun je je gezondheid en vertering soms in een week tijd verbeteren.

Bleekselderijsap bezit sterke ontstekingsremmende eigenschappen, waardoor het erg goed is voor mensen die aan auto-immuunziekten lijden, zoals fibromyalgie, chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom, migraine, vertigo, PDS, reumatoïde artritis, psoriasis, eczeem, acne, lupus, Guillain-barre, sarcoïdosis, Raynaud, Ménière, GERD (brandend maagzuur), bursitis (slijmbeursontsteking), Restless Leg Syndrome (rusteloze benen) en jicht.

Bleekselderijsap werkt sterk alkalisch en helpt bij het voorkomen en tegengaan van brandend maagzuur, reflux, verzuring, hoge bloeddruk, gewrichtspijn, oorsuizen, tintelingen en gevoelloosheid, opvliegers, wazig zicht, hoofdpijn, hartkloppingen, oedeem, vermoeidheid, duizeligheid, spierkrampen, slaapproblemen, obstipatie en opgeblazen gevoel. Het helpt ook om de bloedbaan te zuiveren, het ondersteunt de spijsvertering, het ontspant de zenuwen, het balanceert de bloeddruk en het lost huidproblemen op. Bleekselderij bevat verbindingen die cumarine heten. Ze staan erom bekend de werking van bepaalde witte bloedcellen te verbeteren en het vasculaire systeem te ondersteunen.

Bleekselderijsap is rijk aan organische zouten en is in staat calciumafzettingen van de gewrichten los te maken en in oplossing te houden totdat ze veilig uit de nieren kunnen worden verwijderd. Het is ook een effectief natuurlijk diureticum en is ook krachtig genoeg om toxines uit het lichaam te spoelen waardoor het uitstekend geschikt is voor elk gewichtsverliesprogramma.


Meer info in het Engels:

If people knew all the potent healing properties of celery juice, it would be widely hailed as a miraculous superfood. Celery has an incredible ability to create sweeping improvements for all kinds of health issues. 

Celery Juice Stands Alone 

Celery is truly the savior when it comes to chronic illness. I’ve seen thousands of people who suffer from chronic and mystery illness restore their health by drinking 16 ounces of celery juice daily on an empty stomach. That’s why long ago I started the movement of drinking pure, straight celery juice, and it’s why I want to be sure people know how to use this potent drink correctly and successfully. Celery juice is most powerful when you drink it solo. While it’s great to consume other green juices or vegetables juices and add in items like spinach, kale, parsley, cilantro, or apples, drink those mixed juices at a different time than your straight celery juice. These blends function differently than what I’m recommending as your greatest tool for recovering your health: pure celery juice taken on an empty stomach. If you drink your celery juice first thing in the morning, it will also strengthen your digestion of foods you eat for the rest of the day. We’ll get to more tips in a moment. First, let’s look at what makes this tonic a miracle juice.

Calming Inflammation

Celery juice is teeming with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This means it’s highly beneficial for people who suffer from chronic and mystery illnesses, including conditions labeled “autoimmune.” Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), Lyme disease, migraines, vertigo, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, acne, lupus, Guillain-Barré syndrome, sarcoidosis, Raynaud’s syndrome, Ménière’s disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gout, bursitis, bloating, intestinal cramping, distention, acid reflux, vertigo, constipation, restless leg syndrome, tingles, numbness—all of these symptoms and illnesses are mysteries to medical communities, even though they have names. Their true causes are not yet known by medical research and science. 

Celery is perfect for reversing inflammation, because it starves the pathogens, including unproductive bacteria and viruses such as Epstein-Barr (EBV), that create it. As I reveal in my book,  Thyroid Healing: The Truth behind Hashimoto’s, Graves’, Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr, EBV is the actual cause of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and many other diseases that medical communities call autoimmune. (More on the true cause of autoimmune conditions soon.) These pathogens lead to hundreds of different symptoms and conditions that go misdiagnosed. 

The Wonders of Celery's  Mineral Salts 

Celery is able to starve pathogens, plus it contains a multitude of undiscovered mineral salts that act together as an antiseptic. When these powerful mineral salts make contact with viruses such as Epstein-Barr, HHV-6, and shingles; bacteria such as Streptococcus; and other pathogens—troublemakers responsible for chronic illness—the salts begin to break down the pathogens’ cell membranes, eventually killing and destroying them. 

If you’re worried that the sodium in celery is a problem because you’ve heard that “salt is salt,” know that the sodium in celery is not just salt or the basic mineral sodium. Medical research and science have not yet discovered the different varieties of sodium in celery, nor how beneficial they are. Celery’s naturally occurring sodium actually helps stabilize blood pressure, bringing it down when it’s too high and up when it’s too low. Further, it won’t dehydrate your organs—instead, it clings to toxic, dangerous salts from poor-quality foods and helps draw them out of your body while replacing them with undiscovered cluster salts. 

These subgroups of sodium bond together as one and are infused with celery’s other critical chemical compounds and information that’s highly active in healing the body. Science has not yet deconstructed or studied these cluster salts. Eventually, research will reveal that these cluster salts work symbiotically and systematically to flush out toxins, dead pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, and pathogenic neurotoxins and debris from every crevice of the body. 

Neurotoxins, by the way, are created by viruses such as EBV feeding on toxic heavy metals, including mercury and aluminum. Medical science and research are not yet aware that viruses feed on certain fuel, let alone that they produce neurotoxins as waste. Neurotoxins create neurological symptoms, including burning skin, twitches, tremors, spasms, cold hands and feet, balance issues, vertigo, erratic heartbeat, insomnia, and body jerks, that confound doctors.

Now that you know that pathogens like EBV are responsible for chronic illness, you can understand just how critical the antiseptic function of celery’s cluster salts truly is. Your white blood cells use these cluster salts as both shield and weapon to go after viruses and unproductive bacteria—and that translates to relief from the numerous symptoms and conditions they cause. 

More on Celery's Magnificent Mineral Salts

Mineral salts are critical for our bodies to function optimally. They keep your kidneys and adrenals functioning and raise your gut’s hydrochloric acid so your body can break down and assimilate what you eat—while they balance your pH as well as cleanse and repair your stomach, the rest of your digestive tract, and, most importantly, your liver. They also allow information to travel throughout your body so it can keep itself in balance no matter what’s occurring. 

The mineral salts specifically in celery are instrumental in the electricity that governs the body—they’re building blocks for neurotransmitter chemicals, they ignite electrical impulse activity, and they support neuron function. A brain with weak electrical impulses and weak neurotransmitters shuts down and goes into “low battery” mode—which makes celery juice, a battery charger for the brain, an answer to stop this from happening. Mineral salts keep the heart pumping and create the neurotransmitters needed to take information from point A to point B, that is, from neuron to neuron. (Picture a thought as a boat and mineral salts as the ocean: if the ocean dries up, the boat can’t go anywhere.)

That celery’s mineral salts are such an important support for the central nervous system means they are extremely healing for people who are struggling with depression, anxiety, brain fog, confusion, bipolar disorder, memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as people who have difficulty with focus and concentration. 

Celery can really enhance the ability of supplemental GABA, glycine, and magnesium L-threonate to be absorbed by the brain and aid in neurotransmitter performance for sleep support. Celery also improves methylation, that is, the proper absorption and utilization of hundreds of nutrients, including B12 and zinc. 

The electrolytes in celery hydrate on a deep cellular level, lessening your chances of suffering from migraines, anxiety, panic attacks, and more. Celery also stabilizes and supports the adrenal glands, offers stress assistance, and repairs damaged cells inside the liver. 

And since celery’s mineral salts are antibacterial, they kill bacteria such as strep, and that encourages a healthy environment for “good” bacteria. Low-grade strep infections are often the actual cause of urinary tract infections (UTIs), chronic sinus infections, acne, IBS, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), though at this time medical communities aren’t aware that strep infections are involved in these conditions. Now you know that celery juice and its antibacterial properties can help heal all of these conditions, too.

If you suffer from a thyroid condition, take note: celery has the ability to cleanse the thyroid of toxins and bolster production of the thyroid hormone T3. For more on the unknown true cause of thyroid problems like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, thyroid nodules, cysts and tumors, enlarged thyroid, parathyroid disease, and much more, refer to Thyroid Healing.

Celery Juice and Autoimmune Disease

Celery’s ability to break down and flush out viruses is life-changing news for anybody who has been told they have an autoimmune disease. Pathogens such as viruses, including EBV and shingles, are the true cause of the inflammation that’s mistakenly considered an autoimmune condition. Medical communities just aren’t aware of the real cause yet. 

The prevailing autoimmune theory is that the immune system is mistaking a part of the body for an invader and has begun attacking it, causing inflammation. This belief developed because by the 1950s, the medical world had become frustrated with not having an explanation for why conditions such as Hashimoto’s, Graves’, lupus, RA, Crohn’s disease, celiac, ulcerative colitis, and multiple sclerosis (MS) were leaving people ailing or even crippled. Close observation of some patients’ blood work revealed the presence of antibodies. A theory took off that the body had become confused and created antibodies to attack itself. It’s vital to remember that this was just one out of dozens of theories—it was never a definitive answer. The whole premise was an unproven hypothesis that the medical establishment came up with because they didn’t have the real answers for people’s suffering. So they pointed the blame at people’s bodies, which took the blame off of medical research and science, and unfortunately, the theory has stuck and become law. 

The autoimmune theory is not true. It’s critical to know what’s really happening with autoimmune issues: antibodies are present because your body is fighting a pathogen that scientific testing can’t detect yet. For example, in the case of Hashimoto’s, if antibodies are present, it’s because your body is going after the Epstein-Barr virus. It’s not that your body created antibodies that are attacking your thyroid gland. You can learn more about this in the book Thyroid Healing.

Again, contrary to current thinking, the body does not attack itself or turn against you. Your body only goes after pathogens, and only two factors cause inflammation: injury and invasion. Pathogens cause both. They’re invaders—foreign bodies in your body—and can also be injurers, sometimes damaging tissue in their travels through your system. (It doesn’t always take both factors to cause inflammation; for example, if you break your leg and it swells up, that’s solely an injury. It does always take at least one of these two causes.)

Sadly, the popular, incorrect autoimmune theory holds people responsible for their sickness. It leads people to believe that their body has betrayed them, turned against them, let them down. When you’re leaving the doctor’s office after being told that your body is attacking itself or attacking a specific organ, it can be emotionally damaging, and that belief itself hinders your immune system. Your body is loyal to you. It’s doing it’s very best to help you be whole and healed. It loves you unconditionally. Your own immune system will never harm you, it only works for you. Knowing this truth can kick-start the healing process for someone who previously believed their body was against them.

The autoimmune confusion is one of the greatest mistakes in modern medicine. It’s a prime example of why more than 250 million people in the U.S. alone are living with or suffering from mystery symptoms and conditions with no real relief. 

Which brings us back to why celery juice is such a big deal. As celery ushers pathogens out, your body will be much better able to handle whatever life throws your way. 

Balancing Your Body's pH

Why is it so beneficial that celery juice strengthens hydrochloric acid in your gut? Because hydrochloric acid is critical to digestion and to keeping your digestive system alkaline.

Although we can hear the word “acid” and think “bad,” gastric acids, including hydrochloric acid, are critical, helpful acids, not to be confused with having an acidic digestive system, which is detrimental to health. 

When you eat, food quickly travels down to your stomach to be digested with the help of hydrochloric acid. Although science hasn’t discovered this yet, hydrochloric acid isn’t just one acid—it’s actually a complex blend of seven acids. If hydrochloric acid levels are out of balance or low, your food won’t be sufficiently digested in your stomach. That means the food won’t break down enough for your cells to access the nutrients, and instead the food will just sit there and rot, causing bad acids to develop.

Preventing Ammonia Permeability, a Major Unknown Cause of Ill Health

This gut rot, or putrefaction, creates ammonia gas, which has the ability to float, ghost-like, out of your digestive tract and directly into your bloodstream. It can also cross into organs such as your liver and brain. This is what I call ammonia permeability.

Millions of people walk around with digestive health problems, and one of the contributing factors is ammonia permeability, along with underlying sluggish liver issues. (The truth about ammonia permeability hasn’t yet been discovered. Similar though mistaken concepts are often referred to as “leaky gut syndrome” or “intestinal permeability.”) 

Another condition that worsens low hydrochloric acid and creates ammonia permeability is a sluggish, stagnant, fatty liver. Underlying liver conditions are extremely common. Medical communities don’t yet know how prevalent they really are or what’s behind these issues in the first place. A sluggish, stagnant, fatty liver causes lower bile production, which means the body can’t break down and disperse fats easily, and that also contributes to gut rot, causing even more ammonia permeability.

Here’s where our heroic celery juice comes in: It effectively rebuilds the stomach’s complex balance and supply of hydrochloric acid. It also strengthens the digestive system by helping to heal the liver, which leads to an increase in bile production, easing constipation and bloat. Plus by lowering levels of pathogens such as bacteria and viruses and invaders such as fungus and mold, it leads to strengthened intestinal linings. Celery juice is one of the most profound ways, if not the most profound way, to restore digestive health. It is that powerful. 

Celery Juice for Body and Emotions

We tend to hold a lot of fear in our guts. Nervousness causes those sensations we know as tummy flips or butterflies in the stomach, and anxiety can run deep through the nervous system, putting our guts in knots. By restoring the entire digestive system, celery juice puts our minds and hearts at ease, too. Use it for its calming effects when you are feeling frightened, panicky, shocked, fretful, nervous, threatened, unsure, afraid, or defensive. 

I could go on and on about the benefits of celery juice for all manner of ills—mental, physical, spiritual, emotional. Celery juice is alkalizing, enzyme-rich, electrolyte-enhancing, liver-repairing, blood-sugar-balancing, antiseptic, and more. 

Don’t let the simplicity of humble celery mask it’s strength—it’s often the simplest of measures in life that gracefully work wonders in the most complex situations. Celery juice truly is a miracle juice. It’s one of the greatest healing tonics of all time.

Celery Juice Tips

If you want to heal and improve your health quickly and efficiently, follow this routine:

* Every morning, drink roughly 16 ounces of celery juice on an empty stomach. Make sure it’s fresh, plain celery juice with no other ingredients. Celery juice is a medicinal, not a caloric drink, so you’ll still need breakfast afterward to power you through the morning. Simply wait at least 15 minutes after drinking your celery juice before consuming anything else.

* If you’re sensitive and 16 ounces is too much, start with a smaller amount and work your way up.

* Use organic celery whenever possible. If you’re using conventional celery, be sure to wash it especially well before juicing. 

* If you find the taste of straight celery juice too strong, you can juice one cucumber and/or one apple with the celery. This is a great option as you get adjusted to the flavor. As you get used to it, keep increasing the ratio of celery; the greatest benefits come when celery juice is consumed on its own.

Celery Juice Recipe

Plain, fresh celery juice is one of the most powerful healing juices available to us. This clean, green drink is the very best way to start your day. Make this juice a part of your daily routine, and soon you won’t want to go a day without it!

1 bunch celery 

Rinse the celery and run it through a juicer. Drink immediately for best results.

Alternatively, you can chop the celery and blend it in a high-speed blender until smooth. Strain well and drink immediately.

I hope you will find a way to bring celery juice into your life soon—doing so will help bring you the healing you deserve. I wish you many blessings on your journey. 

10 Health Benefits of Celery Juice

1. Critical for chronic acid reflux

Acid reflux means 3 things are happening: low hydrochloric acid production, unproductive bacteria such as strep and e. Coli & a weakened liver. Celery juice helps improve these. 

2. Fights autoimmune disease

Pathogens are the true cause of the inflammation that’s mistakenly considered autoimmune. Celery juice’s undiscovered sodium cluster salts can break down & flush out these pathogens. 

3. Helps restore adrenals

The undiscovered sodium cluster salts in celery juice help keep your adrenals stable & functioning. 

4. Contains undiscovered sodium cluster salts that reverse illness

Celery juice’s undiscovered sodium cluster salts act together as an antiseptic. When they make contact with viruses & bacteria—troublemakers responsible for chronic illness—the salts begin to break down the pathogens’ cell membranes, eventually destroying them.

5. Neutralizes & flushes toxins out of the liver

Celery juice’s sodium cluster salts bind onto neurotoxins, dermatoxins, & other viral waste, as well as troublemakers, & draw them out of the liver.

6. Helps eradicate strep bacteria

Strep is responsible for many conditions, like acne, UTIs, SIBO, yeast infections, & more. Celery juice helps destroy strep.

7. Kills Epstein-Barr & Shingles viruses

The white blood cells of the liver’s personalized immune system add the cluster salts to their cell membrane coatings, making them toxic to viruses. 

8. Brings down toxic liver heat

Celery juice purges a sluggish liver while bringing down liver heat.

9. Powerful weapon against SIBO & bloating

Celery juice is a powerful stomach acid replenisher so that gastric juices can kill strep, which causes SIBO. It also breaks down rotting protein & rancid fats in the stomach & small intestinal tract, helping bloating.

10. Repairs hydrochloric acid & liver bile production

Celery juice strengthens hydrochloric acid & bile production & strengthens the liver, which then allows for better bile production.

Bron: Celery Juice & Medical Medium